6 Days…the First Supper

I wasn’t planning on doing a dinner post, and figured I’d just do the blow-by-blow on the iced coffee, but it was good enough that I had to indulge. As mentioned in the lunch nonsense, the plan was for some mahi mahi burgers and asparagus. It was a bounty provided almost in its entirety by Trader Joe, with a 4-pack of mahi burgers and a bag of frozen asparagus…not too bad when you can have dinner for 2 for less than $10, in less than 10 minutes, with a total hit of around 400 calories, 2 grams of sugar and 10 grams of fat…

The feast

You might be wondering (but probably aren’t) why one is darker than the other. I had some of my sugar-free spice rub left over from last week’s  little barbecue, but wasn’t sure if it would work, so I did two plain and two with the rub. Both were quite solid (much better than the mahi burgers we used to buy from Whole Foods), and each had its own unique flavor. The plain one wasn’t overly fishy, while the seasoned one wasn’t overpowering. Perhaps my biggest concern heading into this one was how FutureWife would react, given her distaste for the mahi burgers from Whole Foods and proclivity for hating when I over-season. My fears were allayed after about 2 bites, when she asked me to take a picture of her enjoying this nutritious, delicious meal…

Here she is – the reason I’m on this damned health kick…

So, one day almost down, feeling like we’re back on track…5 more to go.

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