Posts Tagged ‘ Discounts ’

Neon Vapors – the Juice is Loose

This blog is in no way a commercial endeavor. I have no ads, make no money, and everything I’ve posted about has been paid for by me (I’ve gotten very generous gifts from and shave following positive comments about their wares, but my objective wasn’t to get free stuff, and the posts leading to said free stuff were in no way an attempt to be compensated for my words or opinions.

I write this stuff for a few reasons. It’s an outlet for my creativity, sarcasm and cynicism; it’s a bit of an ego boost knowing my nonsensical ramblings are read by tens of people; I like being able to give my honest opinions about things and not having to put on a happy face all the time. Anything I opine about on here has been fully funded by me. I can’t afford to buy things just for the purpose of writing about them, so I buy what I like (or expect to like) and post about the things that give me a strong feeling, good or bad. The reason most of my review-type posts are positive is that I buy things I expect to enjoy. Sadly, I won’t buy something I expect to dislike just because it could give me some entertaining new material. If vendors want to send me samples and whatnot to write about, I’ll gladly accept.

There’s a point here somewhere…oh yeah…in addition to purchasing carefully, I also look for every possible discount, coupon or other means by which to reduce costs. This is apparent in my orders from Vape Dojo, ecblends, my unusual excitement over the Bloog 4-pack, and my entire order history from Vapor4Life. Anyways, while looking to fortify my liquid stocks, I came across a deal that was just too good to pass up.

While deal hunting on the ECF, I found a post from Neon Vapors offering buy 1 get 1 free on all their liquids, along with a 20% off coupon code. After perusing their flavor menu, I realized there was a lot to like…order up.

The standard BoGo parameters applied of course – freebie must be of equal or lesser value, but still pretty damn cool. Given that Neon was to be a new addition to my vapertoire, I thought it best not to go nuts with big bottles, so I stuck to the small (6ml) and medium (10ml) in a nice variety.

For the smalls (regularly $5 each), I ordered:
Black Coffee
Cinnamon Coffee Cake
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup
Vanilla Cupcake

On the mediums (regularly $7.50 each), I stuck with tobacco flavors:
Caranilla “No” bacco
Neon 555
Neon RY4
Owners Choice

Grand total, after a 20% coupon, was $20.00. For 64ml of liquid in 8 different flavors, that’s pretty outstanding. Even better, they offer free shipping for orders over $20, without the “either or” deal other places have, where they make you choose between a discount code or free shipping (resulting in unnecessary mathematical work to determine which option is better).

Inexpensive liquid shipped for free is always a good thing, as long as said liquid arrives within a reasonable timeframe and the product itself doesn’t suck.

I ordered late on a Thursday night (same time as Bloog), and had my vapemail in hand on Tuesday. The first criteria has been satisfied! The liquids were packaged very well, with no leakage during shipment (also important). There was also a nice little handwritten note thanking me for my order and praising the virtues of steeping. Having learned from the ecblends mistake, I opted to heed this advice and put them in my vape drawer for a few days.

Of course, impatience got the best of me, and I squirted a bit into a cartomizer on Wednesday morning. It was OUTSTANDING. Despite this positive first take, I vowed to let the others sit for a few days, and I’m glad I did. There isn’t a true loser in the bunch…

555Neon 555 – I’ve tried a handful of 555s, and have not been a fan. Most vendors describer their blends as a slightly sweet tobacco, or sweet tobacco with a hint of hazelnut. Some have other flavors thrown in as well, and it ultimately doesn’t make for a great flavor experience. Looking at the plain 555s, the sweet flavor tends to be missing, and there’s an overpowering nuttiness which, when combined with the tobacco, becomes a little unpleasant. Neon’s 555 is the best of this particular variety I’ve had yet. There’s a decent tobacco flavor, a subtle sweetness and enough of a nut flavor that it doesn’t overpower. It’s still not a favorite, but it’s pretty darn good.

caranillNeon RY4 – The flavor with which I have the most experience, by far. Fundamentally, they’re all the same…a mild tobacco, caramel and vanilla, but it’s truly amazing how widely the flavor varies from vendor to vendor. I have yet to encounter a bad RY4, and the subtle differences from one brand to another makes it a bit of an adventure. Neon’s RY4 was particularly interesting – it had the tobacco, while the caramel and vanilla flavors were less pronounced than others I’ve tried. What really set this one apart though was a sort of “cool” flavor. It’s not a menthol or a minty flavor or anything like that…it’s just a nice, slight cooling sensation in the vapor. It’s different than the other RY4s I’ve tried, but in a good way.

Caranilla_Tob__06653.1333993425.1280.1280Caranilla “No” Bacco – They advertise this as Neon Vapors’ unique take on the traditional RY4. It’s good, and in my completely unqualified opinion, more of an RY4, or at least what I would expect from one, than their actual RY4. It didn’t have the cool taste that the other one did, but had a pleasant tobacco flavor with caramel and vanilla. All three were pretty well balanced, no single flavor overpowered the other…it was harmonious, and it worked.

ownersOwners Choice – they describe it as a complex blend of natural extracts and man made tobacco flavors. Also contains a touch of vanilla and caramel along with other flavors. Can you detect the theme here? I didn’t taste vanilla or caramel really, and to be honest, I have no idea what I’m tasting, but it’s good. There’s a nice, subtle tobacco flavor, a little sweetness, a little bitterness (coffee, chocolate???). It doesn’t have any real, identifiable flavors to me, but it’s tasty.

coffee__75333.1325719178.1280.1280Black Coffee – simple enough as far as preconceived notions. When I think black coffee, I think overly bold, somewhat burnt Starbucks shit. Based on that assumption, it failed. When basing it on a different standard though, namely “do I like it,” this one is a much bigger success. It does taste like coffee, and rather distinctively so, but it’s not overpowering at all. I wouldn’t say it’s coffee with milk and sugar or one of those crotchapinno things, but it’s also not a strong burnt coffee flavor. One of the reasons I ordered, despite expecting something too strong, was the thought of mixing this with things like the caramel jutsu, cinnamon roll and vanilla ice cream. I haven’t tried any of those combos yet, because this just tastes good on its own. While this surprise hampered my ability to play mad scientist, it was damn good.

peanut_butter_cup__42564.1326580083.1280.1280Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup – this is my second experience with the two great tastes that taste great together. My last one wasn’t a total abomination, but it wasn’t great either. Despite this, I gave it another shot, and this one was a vast improvement over the other. It wasn’t a Reese’s by any means, but it was good. It had distinct but not overpowering chocolate and peanut butter flavors, but it’s very different than the uber-sweet, slightly crunchy taste in the orange and brown wrapper. I’d describe it more as a gourmet peanut butter cup. Instead of the milk chocolate, it’s more of a subtle, dark cocoa taste. In the “middle,” it’s not the peanut butter and sugar combo so many know and love. It’s more like the type of PB you’d overpay for at Whole Foods, with a nice roasted peanut flavor, a little bit of sweetn-
ess and maybe even a hint of salt. While the kids are tearing open the wrappers and throwing the brown papers on the floor after licking the residue off, the parents are in another room, eating “grown up” candy from a fancy box. This version of peanut butter cup came from that grown-up box of chocolates.

Cinnamon_Bread_Slice_500__51295__99359.1349488850.1280.1280Cinnamon Coffee Cake – this was the only one I wasn’t a huge fan of, for the same reason as the cinnamon roll from Vapor4Life. It’s not a bad flavor, but the cinnamon is overpowering and it’s more of a “red hot” than the subtle cinnamon-y baked good its name implies. Again, not bad, but not really my thing.

vanilla_cupcake__64709.1349489285.1280.1280Vanilla Cupcake -those who follow my adventures in blogdom know that, despite my efforts to get healthy, I love me some junk food, especially baked goods. While I’ve tried my hand at creativity with things like the cake balls and cookie cake (and triple crumb cinnamon coffee cake, which didn’t make it to these pages), sometimes simple is best, and it doesn’t get much more simple than a good vanilla cupcake. This definitely smells like something that would be coming out of my oven. When I opened the bottle, the vanilla, butter and sugar scents were very strong, and quite nice. As for the taste, it’s basically what I expected from the Twinkie-flavored liquid I tried from ecblends – deliciously artificial. There’s a very strong fake vanilla flavor and other stuff. I’d equate it to cake batter ice cream, and that isn’t really a bad thing. It’s not something I’d puff on every day, but it’s nice for an occasional treat.

One other thing I noticed with Neon Vapors is their bottles, especially the small ones, are a bit tighter than others. This isn’t a major thing, but when using a syringe to fill cartomizers, the extra tightness is actually quite nice as it reduces leakage and bubbling in the syringes. Again, not a huge selling point, but a little added bonus. As an aside, it looks like they’re still running a buy one get one free deal, along with a 20% coupon. I don’t really need more liquids right now, but may not be able to resist…

Some deals and discounts

A quick update while I’m being threatened, yelled at and told I suck at life by some dude on the phone because “the stocks are down” (and I apparently control the global capital markets). I happened upon a couple of nice discounts / deals while perusing my twitter feed and thought I’d share. Most are skincare, shaving and man-creams. You’ll notice that they’re alphabetical given that two of them are still alive in the shaving showdown…

Anthony Logistics: Full-size 5 pack with Glycolic Facial Cleanser, Shave Cream, Ingrown Hair Treatment, Facial Moisturizer SPF 15, Continuous Moisturizing Eye Cream for $90 (normally $130)…awesome deal if you’ll use everything. The shave cream made it through round one of my showdown; I’ve used the moisturizer and it’s nice, while the glycolic facial cleanser is excellent. Can’t speak for the eye cream or the ingrown stuff.

eShave: Free shaving brush with purchase of a full-size “collection” with a 2 ounce oil, 4 ounce cream and 6 ounce after shave soother for $69.  Most other companies sell these full sets for around $100, so this is a great deal. They have the collections available without the brush for $64, but $5 for a badger brush is well worth it. The deal with the brush only comes in orange sandalwood, verbena lime, lavender, white tea and cucumber, so if you want the almond or unscented, you’re out of luck.

Grooming Lounge: Set up an account, get $5 off your first order and $10 off your next. This is a “man spa” in DC. I’ve never been, nor have I ever purchased anything from them. They have their own brand of products (which I’ve obviously never used) that get good ratings on the website, and they carry tons of other brands. I can’t speak for the GL-branded stuff, but pricing on the others looks pretty standard. The $5 discount coupled with the variety make this a good deal.

Lab Series: Free 1.7 ounce post-shave spray with any purchase (no code – automatically adds to your cart)

Zirh: Free Shipping and “Deluxe” samples of Clean (face wash) and Shave Gel with any purchase:

Not grooming related, but a great deal nonetheless, has a free glasses promotion through July 30th with the code FBFREEPAIR. This only works with coupon-eligible frames (i.e. not the really high-end stuff like Tom Ford, Gucci, etc.). If you have your heart set on something not eligible for the free promotion, you can get half-off anything with the code SUMMER through July 31st.


I’ve only done two posts on electronic cigarettes, both focused on Smokeless Image, but I just came across a potentially great deal from another quality vendor that I’ll be talking about at some point (hopefully) soon. The Company is called Vapor4Life, based outside of Chicago. I found them accidentally when I won a facebook contest they were running that gave me two batteries (I ended up ordering a charger and a couple of liquids so they could toss my prize in with the order…they always get you somehow). They’re always running some sort of promo (usually a pretty nice discount, although prices are a little higher than other places), and until tomorrow, they’re doing a wheel of fortune type thing. Enter the code WHEEL7 and you’ll get anywhere between 10% and 45% off your order. I don’t really need anything vape-wise at the moment, but may pop the code in just to see what I can get. Like the good deal hunter I am, a 45% discount might force me to find a few things to buy.

More Vapist Ramblings – The Smokeless Image

Now that the long-awaited intro to my smokeless adventure has been published, it’s time to move on. I talked a little about the disposables and there isn’t much else to say. You can buy them at 7-11, pharmacies, grocery stores, poetry much anywhere. They usually cost between $5 and $10, and claim to be the equivalent of 1.5 – 2 packs of cancer sticks. The majority of them come in “regular” tobacco flavor, and some brands also have a menthol variety if that’s your thing. I think they’re a great way to test the waters without a big investment, but they’re not a long-term solution.

if, after trying the disposables, you want to move on, it’s time for a kit. I have no clue how many different brands there are out there, and many of the components are interchangeable, so the first purchase isn’t necessarily a make or break proposition, sine you can use your batteries with other cartridges, buy blank cartridges and full them with someone else’s liquid, yadda yadda yadda. For the sale of simplicity though, it’s a good idea to buy from a vendor that has most of what you think you’ll want. The companies that sell disposables also make kits, but they trend to be more expensive than the smaller brands, and much less compatible. If you want options, the little guys are much better.

The basic kits have a rechargeable battery, a cartomizer (looks like the filter on a traditional cigarette…it’s where the “smoke juice” goes and a charger (usually USB). From three, the options are endless…multiple batteries, wall chargers, portable charging cases, you name it.

As I noted in the opener, my starter kit came from Smokeless Image, makers of the Volt. I bought the basic kit, with a battery, USB charger and a 5-pack of carts. I added a second battery and 2 more packs of carts, just for variety.

I went with the short batteries (about the size of a regular cigarette) and opted for the sealed automatic variety, which are similar to regular cigarettes in that they have a sensor that creates vapor when you inhale…the manual kind are activated by pressing a button. I’ll cover those at another time.

Setup was simple…you screw the battery into the charger, pop it into a USB port (or a USB wall charger) and wait until the light turns blue. One the battery is charged, attach a cartomizer and puff.


Plus Carts equals smoke-free smoking

Given the limited options with the disposables, I wasn’t sure which flavors I’d like and didn’t want to get stuck with five of something gross, so I ordered a couple of sampler packs. Smokeless Image offers 3 samplers, with one of each of a “themed” flavor – the Smooth Sampler is traditional tobacco flavors, the Strong Sampler is mostly mint / menthol, along with grape and cappuccino (not sure how those fit in, but whatever) and the Sweet Sampler has three fruits, vanilla and chocolate. I’m not much of a menthol guy, so I went with the smooth and sweet samplers, and ordered a 5-pack of cappuccino since it seemed safe.


The Smooth Sampler includes 5 tobacco-inspired flavors: RY4, 555, Desert Joe, Country and Freedom

Here’s how they describe them:
  • RY4: A unique caramel infused tobacco flavor that will keep calling you back. A new favorite among vapers.
  • Freedom: New American Tobacco Flavor. It is a light, smooth and smoky flavor imitating a traditional tobacco cigarette. The perfect choice to achieve your FREEDOM from burning tobacco cigarettes!
  • Desert Joe: A favorite among Volt users, Desert Joe is our rich Turkish tobacco blend
  • Country: Our most Popular American tobacco Blend Flavor, the standard in tobacco flavors
  • 555: The taste of the 555 is one of the more popular choices when it comes to tobacco flavors. It’s a sweeter tobacco that promises to please those who are looking for something on the milder side!

Here’s my take:

  • Freedom: Tasted like an ultra light cigarette, but in a good way. It was subtle, but didn’t have that caustic chemical feeling that you get from a Marlboro Silver.
  • Desert Joe: This probably had the most “authentic” cigarette flavor of the ones I tried in this first batch. Tasted a lot like a Camel Light, but I didn’t need to bathe in Purell to get the stench off of me when I was done.
  • 555: Also really good. There was a very mild sweetness to it, but enough tobacco flavor that it still felt like a lung dart.
  • Country: A little too strong for my taste, but not bad at all. Unless I was bumming from someone, I tended to stick with lights and ultra lights, but this was more like a full flavor (Marlboro Red probably)
  • RY4: I really had no clue what to expect here, but it was my favorite of the bunch. There was just enough tobacco flavor that I didn’t feel like I was inhaling candy, but the combination of the “burnt” caramel flavor and what I thought was a hint of vanilla made this a stand out. I ended up buying a 5-pack of RY4s and as I got more advanced, a bottle of the RY4 liquid…it’s that tasty.


The Sweet Sampler contains our Delicious; Cherry, Vanilla, Chocolate, Grape and Watermelon!

Here’s how they describe them:
  • Cherry: Sweet to the tongue, aromatic, and nice smoke vape.
  • Grape: Our new grape flavor is subtle and smoky and will be a pleasant surprise to anyone who has not liked grape in the past.
  • Vanilla: Vanilla fans this flavor is for you! A savory flavor that is creamy and sweet.
  • Chocolate: Just like an old fashioned cup of coco, the chocolate will satisfy those indulgent cravings.
  • Watermelon: A sweet and light fruit flavor that hits the spot just like on those hot summer days.

Here’s my take:

  • Cherry: Like a cherry lollipop from back in the day. Totally artificial, and a bit of a weird sensation, but good.
  • Grape: Same sensation as the cherry, but in grape flavor. Thankfully, those were my two favorite candy flavors as a kid.
  • Vanilla: I love vanilla and was excited about this one. The vanilla flavor was definitely there, but it was a little too artificial for me. I wasn’t expecting Tahitian beans or anything like that, but the flavor was more Turkey Hill than Ben n Jerry’s. Not my favorite, but I’ve tried other brands’ vanilla varieties and Smokeless Image blows them all out of the water.
  • Watermelon: I’ve always hated watermelon and everything it stands for. The smell is awful and the taste is even worse (to me). I don’t eat cherries, grapes or oranges, but love them in their sugar forms. With watermelon though, it’s a struggle to figure out whether I like the real fruit less than the candy flavor, or vice versa. Needless to say, my expectations were low, but I didn’t want to waste one, so I gave it a shot. It tasted a lot like a watermelon Jolly Rancher. I wasn’t a fan, but if you like watermelon flavor, you’d probably enjoy this.
  • Chocolate: I had the highest hopes for vanilla, but was looking forward to chocolate too, and this one lived up to its billing. I didn’t get the hot cocoa vibe, but it did taste / feel like a good piece of dark (70%) gourmet chocolate. Given this whole diet thing, sweets are limited, but a few puffs on this made me forget how much I wanted a cupcake.

Like Starbucks without the obnoxious baristas…

I’m not really sure what to say about the cappuccino. They were really good. It wasn’t the burnt “gourmet” coffee flavor, but much milder, almost like a coffee ice cream. I’ve re-ordered these too.

That takes care of the starter kit, but there have been many subsequent orders from SI. I’ll review that stuff another time, because this is already way too long, but I’ve expanded my collection with:

A portable charging case (PCC), so I’ve always got at least one full battery

An x2 “Fat Batt” – it’s another type of battery that has some very nice benefits over the traditional ones.

This has gone on long enough, but I have to say one other thing about this Company. Their customer service is AMAZING. After my first order, I got a follow up, not to try and sell me more stuff, but to see if I liked the product. One of the batteries in my first order didn’t work that great, and they sent me a new one free of charge. My PCC broke after a few days. I sent an email asking if they could recommend a way to repair it, but instead, they shipped a replacement right away. They’re always running specials, coupon codes, etc. and just seem like a nice group of people. When it came to “real” cigarettes, I had no loyalty…I’d just smoke whatever was on sale. I’m not going to lie and say I’ve never ordered from anyone else (the upcoming reviews would seem kind of silly if I did), but I do order from SI pretty frequently.

If you want to try them out, the code “voltsave” gets you 16% off. They also have specials around the holidays with bigger discounts, but if you’re still smoking the old school cigs and want to quit, I suggest giving these a try.

Smokeless Image

**In the interest of full and fair disclosure, the replacement battery and case are the only things I’ve gotten from them for free** I’ve placed a total of 7 orders with them, and spent around $175 so far.

There’s hope yet…and an outstanding deal

Just a quickie as I sit here on hold waiting for the most important person in the world (in his own mind) to finish booking his tee time for Friday, because I have nothing better to do.

One of the posts I’ve been working on is a rant on customer service, as I’ve had some truly epic failures of late. I’ve also had some pleasant experiences and wanted to highlight those too, but the bad ones far outweighed the good and I wanted some balance so it didn’t just seem like a kvetch session. There was one recent “issue” that was particularly frustrating, and I was all set to finish the good, bad and ugly, then devote an entire post to these people and their practices. Somehow though, a little late-night rant on Facebook resulted in my getting a call from the outfit in question, and a potential resolution to my problem…hooray for social media (potentially). This isn’t the first time my bitching on the great white web has turned a negative into a positive, and those too shall be documented, eventually.

Because I feel compelled to share something more substantive than an extended Facebook status update though, I bring you a hot deal. Those who have followed the Shave Cream Showdown no doubt saw the epic win by eShave in the second match of round 1. Their stuff is great, and for a limited time only (or whatever other cheesy pitch-man tagline you’d like to use here), it’s cheap.

Good stuff…

It seems they were mentioned on the Today show, um, today, and because of that, they’re selling their solution shaving set (brush, cream, pre-shave oil and post-shave soother for $55 shipped. The “regular” version of this set, with these four things and an alum block for the cuts, is $122, so this is a pretty solid deal. They don’t have all of the flavors available, but if you’re cool with white tea (winner in my useless review), Orange Sandalwood or Verbena Lime, get on this. If I could convince FutureWife that I needed one, I’d be all over it.

Lest anyone think that I benefit from this in any way, I don’t. The fine folks at eShave did contact me after their victory over Dermalogica and offered to send me a gift, which I readily accepted. However, said gift will remain closed until the tournament is over so as not to influence my decisions. If one of the losers had a promo like this for more than half-off, it would be here instead…

I’m a sucker for a good deal…

Inspiration comes from unexpected places sometimes. On the way to work, before my first client crisis of the day, I was mulling over what to write about this fine Friday morning. Didn’t want another lengthy diatribe about the diet (191 this morning, didn’t go into Crumbs despite a big buy 3 get 1 free sign in the window) and wasn’t quite ready to start the non-smoking revelations (5 weeks tomorrow, but still crave sometimes). I could talk about Wednesday night’s Rangers game, but a one-word post is kind of pointless and I’m pretty sure Amazeballs isn’t even a real word. It hit me as I was getting dressed. I put on the pants that “used to look cute,” paired them with a shirt that “used to be a little snug,” then tried to decide which glasses to wear.

I mentioned at the beginning of this little adventure that I like nice things, but have no money. While this is, obviously, a less than ideal situation, it has taught be to be a bit resourceful. Unfortunately, it’s also taught me to be a little impulsive. I’m one of those assholes camped out at Best Buy on Thanksgiving night, while buying things from on the phone I bought for a penny on Amazon; I’ll buy a pair of jeans a size too small or 3 inches too long just because they’re on sale; I’ll find something I want, then spend six months researching it to make sure I’m getting the best deal possible.

I’ve got a drawer full of ties, 4 laptops, 2 tablets, 2 iPods an indeterminate number of shoes and more grooming products than my fiancee, and I didn’t pay full price for any of it. It’s less about wants and needs, and more about the thrill of the hunt. I once “stalked” a set of power tools at Target for 3 months, checking the price every time I was there. They were originally $125…I got them for $9. One of the more recent highlights was a $150 Dualit toaster for $16. I subscribe to discount newsletters and check “deal” websites first thing every morning and last thing every night. If I had more space and more money, I’m pretty sure I’d be a hoarder. I’m not always proud of these things, but can’t help it. Which brings me to the point:


Yes, those are 8 pairs of glasses

Back in the day, I had what I thought was a decent vision plan through my job. Turns out, I couldn’t have been more wrong. With this plan, I paid $600 for a pair of glasses and just under $400 for sunglasses at LensCrafters. At that point, I had one pair of “regulars” and one pair of sunglasses Like most normal people, $1,000 on eyewear seemed like more than enough to spend for at least a couple of years. Somewhere along the line, this changed. They went from being a necessity to an accessory.

During one of my deal site browsing sessions, I happened upon a thread about cheap glasses. There were a bunch of links to random, no-name sites selling ugly frames imported from China. I’m a bit of a label whore, and would’ve rather paid more for something nice, with a nice name, than these others, but there was still some good info in there.

That’s when I found it…somebody had complained in this thread about how “overpriced” this one site was, and how the miscellaneous brand were just as good as the Tommy Hilfiger ones, and $12 instead of $40 (these people are some major cheapskates). Wait…$40 for Hilfiger glasses? WITH the lenses?? Sounded pretty good, so I took a look at the site. It seemed simple enough…pick a frame, plug in your prescription info and order-up.

I ended up going with a pair of Gucci frames (left column, second ones down from the top). I had seen a similar pair in a store for around $550, and figured even if they were crap, I’d only be out $100. Turned out I entered the prescription incorrectly when ordering and ended up with a pair 10x stronger than I needed. Much to my surprise, after a quick online chat with customer service, I had a prepaid shipping label in my inbox and a refund for the $20 I had to pay for the lightweight lenses which were no longer needed. A week later, I had the right glasses, and they were better than any I had gotten at a “real” store. Of course, I used a coupon, so the final cost ended up being ~$75 with shipping. After checking these out, I realized they had another coupon for a “free” pair. They weren’t totally free, of course. You had to pay shipping and processing, and any upgrades (coatings, tints, etc.) I ended up getting a pair of Nike sunglasses (bottom right) for ~$23…not bad. I should’ve stopped there, but then they had a Columbus Day sale…everything was $38 (plus upgrades). I bought 5 pairs, sent 2 back (no questions asked, return shipping paid)…ended up with Yves St. Lauren, Cavalli and Kenneth Cole frames, all with perfect lenses, anti-scratch, anti-glare and whatnot, for a grand total of $140.

Now, I’m at 4 pairs of glasses and the shades. I should be satisfied, and I was, until St. Patrick’s Day, when they ran another $38 sale. I tried to fight it…I really did, but then I realized all the frames I had were plastic. I had to have at least one pair of nerdy metal ones. Somehow, one pair became 6 in my cart, but I showed restraint and cut it down to 3 before ordering. Grand total this time was around $150 (shipping went up). So, that’s the story of my eyeglass collection. I wear them all, my fiancee thinks I’m nuts, but I enjoy it, and the combined cost of the 8 pairs was still less than what I paid for the last pair at a physical store…

For my fellow four-eyed folks out there, I’d recommend checking out Coastal Contacts. They run promotions all the time, but if you’re a new customer, enter “FIRSTPAIRFREE” at checkout and all it’ll cost you is shipping and upgrades. I can’t speak for their contact prices, as I haven’t worn a pair since high school, but the glasses are outstanding and the customer service is better than most I’ve experienced…

Almost forgot about this, but it seemed apropos. My first pair of Coastals. Thanks to my beautiful and talented future brother-in-law, Jordan Hochenbaum for this…