Posts Tagged ‘ eShave ’

Some deals and discounts

A quick update while I’m being threatened, yelled at and told I suck at life by some dude on the phone because “the stocks are down” (and I apparently control the global capital markets). I happened upon a couple of nice discounts / deals while perusing my twitter feed and thought I’d share. Most are skincare, shaving and man-creams. You’ll notice that they’re alphabetical given that two of them are still alive in the shaving showdown…

Anthony Logistics: Full-size 5 pack with Glycolic Facial Cleanser, Shave Cream, Ingrown Hair Treatment, Facial Moisturizer SPF 15, Continuous Moisturizing Eye Cream for $90 (normally $130)…awesome deal if you’ll use everything. The shave cream made it through round one of my showdown; I’ve used the moisturizer and it’s nice, while the glycolic facial cleanser is excellent. Can’t speak for the eye cream or the ingrown stuff.

eShave: Free shaving brush with purchase of a full-size “collection” with a 2 ounce oil, 4 ounce cream and 6 ounce after shave soother for $69.  Most other companies sell these full sets for around $100, so this is a great deal. They have the collections available without the brush for $64, but $5 for a badger brush is well worth it. The deal with the brush only comes in orange sandalwood, verbena lime, lavender, white tea and cucumber, so if you want the almond or unscented, you’re out of luck.

Grooming Lounge: Set up an account, get $5 off your first order and $10 off your next. This is a “man spa” in DC. I’ve never been, nor have I ever purchased anything from them. They have their own brand of products (which I’ve obviously never used) that get good ratings on the website, and they carry tons of other brands. I can’t speak for the GL-branded stuff, but pricing on the others looks pretty standard. The $5 discount coupled with the variety make this a good deal.

Lab Series: Free 1.7 ounce post-shave spray with any purchase (no code – automatically adds to your cart)

Zirh: Free Shipping and “Deluxe” samples of Clean (face wash) and Shave Gel with any purchase:

Not grooming related, but a great deal nonetheless, has a free glasses promotion through July 30th with the code FBFREEPAIR. This only works with coupon-eligible frames (i.e. not the really high-end stuff like Tom Ford, Gucci, etc.). If you have your heart set on something not eligible for the free promotion, you can get half-off anything with the code SUMMER through July 31st.


I’ve only done two posts on electronic cigarettes, both focused on Smokeless Image, but I just came across a potentially great deal from another quality vendor that I’ll be talking about at some point (hopefully) soon. The Company is called Vapor4Life, based outside of Chicago. I found them accidentally when I won a facebook contest they were running that gave me two batteries (I ended up ordering a charger and a couple of liquids so they could toss my prize in with the order…they always get you somehow). They’re always running some sort of promo (usually a pretty nice discount, although prices are a little higher than other places), and until tomorrow, they’re doing a wheel of fortune type thing. Enter the code WHEEL7 and you’ll get anywhere between 10% and 45% off your order. I don’t really need anything vape-wise at the moment, but may pop the code in just to see what I can get. Like the good deal hunter I am, a 45% discount might force me to find a few things to buy.

12 Days of Hell…Day 2

So, yesterday was a little rough all around. Work was kind of a nightmare and I was crankier than usual, more likely due to lack of sleep than the diet, but either way, it sucked. I also had a little bit of a cold and couldn’t do my usual shots of day Quil, given the fact that it’s got sugar in it. As awful as the day was, I didn’t give in to the junk food cravings despite the presence of a drawer full of candy over by reception, nor did I give in to my desire for a “real” cigarette (I’m still dying for one, but doing my best to resist. Going to try and finish my first vaping post tonight as a way to keep myself “honest”). I went to the doctor last night too, which helped, and came home to a happy fiance and adorable dog, which also helped…

I had a couple of calls, and only an hour to eat and decompress before they started, so I whipped up a few bunless chicken burgers (just a pinch of spice rub in each), which were outstanding. Had a giant glass of water and treated myself to a fat free, sugar free pudding snack, and it was DELICIOUS. Unfortunately, it was also carby, with 6 grams of sugar alcohol. People doing this routine seem to have mixed reactions to sugar alcohols, so I won’t be indulging in another of these until I’m in ketosis so I can see how they impact me.

I had my calls, did the first semi-final match in the shaving showdown (haven’t given up on that) between eShave and Anthony Logistics, and passed out.

Woke up and felt a lot better than the last couple of days, which improved even further after the future wife made me a scrambled egg (no milk, just a little salt and a lot of black pepper). Inhaled that with a cup of black iced coffee and made a surprisingly non-vile looking lunch (some sliced turkey with raw spinach and broccoli).  Did a quick weigh-in (193.6 – down a pound in 24 hours) and hauled ass to the office. Here’s to a better day!

There’s hope yet…and an outstanding deal

Just a quickie as I sit here on hold waiting for the most important person in the world (in his own mind) to finish booking his tee time for Friday, because I have nothing better to do.

One of the posts I’ve been working on is a rant on customer service, as I’ve had some truly epic failures of late. I’ve also had some pleasant experiences and wanted to highlight those too, but the bad ones far outweighed the good and I wanted some balance so it didn’t just seem like a kvetch session. There was one recent “issue” that was particularly frustrating, and I was all set to finish the good, bad and ugly, then devote an entire post to these people and their practices. Somehow though, a little late-night rant on Facebook resulted in my getting a call from the outfit in question, and a potential resolution to my problem…hooray for social media (potentially). This isn’t the first time my bitching on the great white web has turned a negative into a positive, and those too shall be documented, eventually.

Because I feel compelled to share something more substantive than an extended Facebook status update though, I bring you a hot deal. Those who have followed the Shave Cream Showdown no doubt saw the epic win by eShave in the second match of round 1. Their stuff is great, and for a limited time only (or whatever other cheesy pitch-man tagline you’d like to use here), it’s cheap.

Good stuff…

It seems they were mentioned on the Today show, um, today, and because of that, they’re selling their solution shaving set (brush, cream, pre-shave oil and post-shave soother for $55 shipped. The “regular” version of this set, with these four things and an alum block for the cuts, is $122, so this is a pretty solid deal. They don’t have all of the flavors available, but if you’re cool with white tea (winner in my useless review), Orange Sandalwood or Verbena Lime, get on this. If I could convince FutureWife that I needed one, I’d be all over it.

Lest anyone think that I benefit from this in any way, I don’t. The fine folks at eShave did contact me after their victory over Dermalogica and offered to send me a gift, which I readily accepted. However, said gift will remain closed until the tournament is over so as not to influence my decisions. If one of the losers had a promo like this for more than half-off, it would be here instead…

Shaving Showdown – Match #2

The combatants

Round 1, match 2 pits our two smallest competitors against one another, as well as the only scented participant. In battle number two, we’ve got Dermalogica’s Soothing Shave Cream going head-to-head with  êShave’s White Tea shaving cream. Let’s see how this one plays out.

In the red corner…

Dermalogica Soothing Shave Cream (photo from website)

What they say:

An ultra-lubricating cream that delivers a super-close shave that won’t leave skin feeling sore. It helps skin recover from damage while preventing aggravation brought on by shaving. Contains no artificial fragrance or color.

What it cost: $18 for 6 ounces

What I paid: Zero…point…zero. Stopped in a “products” store in LA a while back to see if they had a good clay mask. I had wicked razor burn (forgot my dopp kit at home and had to use unfamiliar products) and the insanely polite hippie behind the counter suggested I try this. I ended up throwing it in my bag and forgetting about it, until I needed another brand to round out the field.

Past experience: None…I had heard of it, but always thought it was called Dermatalogica. Oops. I also never knew they had men’s products. C’est la vie…

Smell: Nice for the first 1.5 seconds, but all down hill from there. Once the packet was fully open and the cream was in my hand, I was hit by an overwhelming medicinal smell. I looked at the ingredient list while the oil was absorbing and it says it’s all natural. Of the things I recognized, there was nothing that should smell like this. Alas, I suffer for my art (and this crap), so I soldiered on.

Lather: Very thin; Neither creamy nor soapy; extremely slick, like a greasy moisturizer, but not oily.Despite the weird texture and the fact that it looked like it would drip off, it stuck to the beard well, but why does it burn?

Shave: Almost too good. The blade practically flew over my face and everything was gone in a single pass. It was good that this was going quickly, because the burning was very uncomfortable.

Aftermath: It burned both during and after. The shave was incredibly clean, with no bleeding, bumps or redness. It still burned like hell though, all the way through the post-shave treatment and subsequent shower. Once that went away, it looked good.

Fiancee: She said, right away, that the Dermalogica side was much smoother, but that my skin looked “a little weird.” There was no visible irritation or anything, but it almost seemed too smooth. Interestingly enough, she liked the smell.

Overall: Given the ingredients listed, I’m really surprised I reacted the way I did, especially since they say it’s good for sensitive skin. This was probably the smoothest, quickest shave I’ve had since puberty, but between the smell and the burn, I was not a fan. As I said at the beginning, this is completely subjective, and other people I know swear by Dermalogica.  It’s very possible I’m a freak of nature, and I suspect this “reaction” is by no means universal. I’d encourage others to at least try Dermalogica, but it wasn’t for me.


And its opponent…

Fighting out of the blue corner…

eShave White Tea Shave Cream (thanks to their social media team for the photo)

What they say:

êShave Shaving Cream is your main ingredient to your perfect shave every day. Our shave cream will:

– Open your pores, soften your hair and protect your skin
– Generate a rich, creamy and warm lather
– Eliminate shaving irritation

Available in eight original scents:
– Orange Sandalwood: For all skin types
– Verbena Lime: For all skin types
– Lavender: For sensitive to normal skin
– White Tea: For all skin types
– Cucumber: For all skin types
– Almond: For dry to normal skin
– Fragrance Free: For all skin types
– Floral: For sensitive to normal skin

êShave Shaving Cream is water activated and should be applied with our badger shaving brush (highly recommended) or with your finger tips.

Shaving Cream Benefits: Hydrate and protect your skin so it’s ready for a close shave, without any unwanted discomfort.

What it cost: $8.50 for 1 ounce; $22 for 4 ounces

What I paid: $22 for 0.25 ounces as part of the Mini Kit Assorted, which included quarter-ounce mini creams and after shaves in White Tea, Lavender, Verbena Lime and Almond. Purchased from Nickel Spa NYC – this same kit is $17 on their website.

Past experience: Used the Almond once after buying and had a bad experience thanks to “user error.” Lesson learned…shaving when hung over is a horrible idea.

Other notes: As mentioned above, this was the only scented one I tried. They make an unscented version, but it wasn’t included in the kit and I’ve been told I’m not allowed to buy any more shaving products until the ones I have are used up. I did the sniff test on all four versions in the set and White Tea was the most subtle, so I went with that.

Also, eShave has won a number of awards from FHM, Men’s Health and others. They’re very proud of these awards (rightly so), but I didn’t want to take others’ ratings into consideration so aside from knowing what they’ve won, I haven’t read any other reviews.

Smell: It was subtle, but it was there, and it was good. I’m not really sure what white tea is supposed to smell like, but this reminded me of green tea (maybe they’re similar). It was awesome. It had a slightly sweet, but very mellow, almost calming scent, like when you’re sick and inhale the steam from a cup of tea. I was actually tempted to taste it, but was afraid it would influence the verdict if I determined eShave could pull double duty as a shave cream and a tasty snack.

Lather: Most of the other contenders say that their creams can be used with or without a brush, but eShave “highly recommends” using their badger brush. In the interest of fairness, I stuck with my Taylor of Old Bond Street brush, and while I can appreciate their effort to create brand loyalty, I don’t know that it really makes a difference. My old reliable turned this from a little dot in my hand into a rich froth almost immediately. Unlike some of the others that have already competed, the lathering process didn’t water it down at all, and it went on in a nice, even way. It wasn’t overly thick or too watery. Like baby bear’s porridge, it was just right.

Shave: Not as smooth as the Dermalogica, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I may be in the minority, but I prefer a little bit of resistance. I don’t like full-blown drag or anything like that, just enough that I realize there’s actually a blade against my skin and I’m not simply wiping the cream off my face. eShave had the resistance, without the serious drag that causes razor burn. Heavier growth than this might be a little tougher, but this was nice.

Aftermath: It felt good. The Erase and subsequent wash had no irritation. I didn’t notice a big difference looks-wise without getting closer to the mirror than I should have.

Fiancee: She said right away that the Dermalogica side looked cleaner, but didn’t think the eShave side looked bad. She said that both looked okay, but that she preferred the cleaner of the two.

Overall: I’m glad I gave them a second chance after my initial bad experience (again, fully my fault), as a proper, sober shave was infinitely more enjoyable. Whether eShave wins or not, I look forward to trying the other three flavors in the kit.


And the winner is…


I did what I could to make this an even playing field as far as scent and other variables, and found good things with both creams. While I could see people preferring Dermalogica, eShave simply blew them out of the water in my totally unqualified opinion as it was good at everything and outstanding at some things. We’re half-way through the first round, and while the match-ups were completely random, the round two battle between eShave and Jack Black should be good.

Happy Shaving…